Lonely Automata's Blog

Saturday, 30/09/2023

Ok, first entry. Let's try to keep the text at 72 characters per line, for... reasons.

This has been a rather interesting week. I accessed usenet News Groups for the first time, went back to using Mozilla Suite thanks to Sea Monkey, and even got into a BBS that was not running locally on my computer.

I wanted to write this using the Mozilla composer, but I'm afraid I'm not ready to type static HTML without the help of Notepad++'s Syntax Highlighting. I'm still not sure what I want to do with this space in Neocities, but I definitely can say that I want to live the experience of coding your own website from scratch as web pioneers used to do during the early Geocities era.

One issue with that is that it is hard to find old documentation, and search engines don't make it easier by only showing results about making mobile friendly responsibe websites, so I just had one crazy idea: Going to the place where knowledge remains static and resists the years.

Yes. The public library.

I only go there to use the study rooms during exam season, but last time I checked, they had a nice section of fairly outdated computer books, and it may be just what I need for this little project.


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